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Prescription Drug Addiction: Warning Signs and Health Implications

Prescription drug addiction is becoming a major problem in the United States as more and more people are becoming addicted to stimulants, sedatives, tranquilizers and opioids. Once abused, these medications can cause dangerous symptoms and health damage different from the other.

People usually develop prescription drug addiction after using more dosages or taking it more often than prescribed. They may even try other people’s prescription drugs and enjoy its addicting effect anywhere- at school, work and at parties.

How will you know that your loved ones are already addicted to these drugs? The signs and symptoms and side effects of abusing prescription medicines depend on each drug. Here are the warning signs that you should watch out when you suspect that someone you know is abusing drugs:

Medications for anxiety, sleep disorders and sedatives, including alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (Valium), zolpidem (Ambien), triazolam (Halcyon) and lorazepam (Ativan) once abused may cause the users drowsiness and tension.

Users may have dilated pupils, slurred speech, poor memory, poor coordination, headaches and dizziness. Worst symptoms may include feeling of severe depression, agitation and may even lead to suicidal thoughts.

Prescription drug addiction with Adderall, Desoxyn and Ritalin may cause users to experience delusions, anxiety, chest pain, flushed skin and heart palpitations. They have an irregular pattern of sleep, with long hours of being awake before they become sleepy.

Prescription painkillers such as opiates, may cause confusion, drowsiness and absence of pain at normal levels. Users may have problems with constipation, nausea and breathing. Withdrawal symptoms include chills, muscle and joint pains, insomnia, diarrhea and vomiting.

Teens are the most common victims of prescription drug addiction. The signs may be hard to recognize in the beginning, but observing some changes in their behavior may indicate that something bad is already happening.

Young users usually want to spend time alone, away from their family and friends. They lose interest in their hobbies and become easily agitated and angry.

They are more emotional and tend to cry for no reason at all. Prescription drug addiction may affect their physical appearance as they tend to become unconscious with their looks. They care no more with their grades and social activities.

Users may have trouble sleeping at regular hours. They stay awake at night and asleep during daytime.

As users develop strong prescription drug addiction, they will forge, steal and even sell prescriptions in order to have access to drugs. They will try to get more prescriptions from one doctor to another.

Prescription drug addiction can bring serious complications if not controlled. Sedatives and anti-anxiety medications can lead to have low blood pressure and slow breathing. If they stop these drugs suddenly, they may suffer nervous system hyperactivity and seizures. During worst conditions could, the users may suffer coma and even die due to serious health complications.

Opioids are dangerous prescription drugs that may cause addicts to have slowed breathing and low blood pressure. Like any drug, overdosing can lead to death.

Stimulants can cause seizures, tremors, heart problems and high body temperature. It can also make the users have paranoia and hallucinations.

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